Sunday, February 6, 2011

River of life

“The river is everywhere at the same time, at the source and at the mouth, at the waterfall, at the current in the oceans and in the mountains, everywhere and the present only exists for it, nor the shadow of the past, nor the shadow of the future.”
River mirrors an amazing analogy to life, the water continually flows yet it is always there, it is always the same and yet with every moment it is new. The river tells us the most important secret of life; that there is no such thing as time. All the goods and sins are in time, all the ecstasy and sorrows are in time, all self torment and fear is in time. “All the evil and difficulties in the world would be conquered as soon as one dispels time.” For those who time is indispensable all the sufferings and sorrows prevail. We all wish to follow a path leading to happy and content full life devoid of sorrows and sufferings. Every soul is wondering here and there to attain the knowledge for that path. “The path of salvation can’t be taught but the wisdom to follow the path can only be attained through experience.” The one who wishes to learn the path through some teacher makes a fool of himself for the knowledge to the path cannot be transmitted through words. Though one may find the knowledge and wisdom through experience, be fortified by it, may wander through it yet can’t communicate and teach it.
Happiness or sorrow is not a feeling but a state which is a result of a deed considered good or bad respectively. Though conception about right or wrong is imperfect and illusive. A truth is a truth only if it is expressed and enveloped in words filled with one-sidedness. The expression is half the truth; it lacks totality, completeness and unity. “Wisdom is not communicable, it can not be taught” and those who try to teach the knowledge divide everything in two parts: true or false, right or wrong. Although both are present yet they are only illusions for both are justified on one’s reasoning which is intrinsic to the individual only. Those individuals are filled with sorrows and sufferings for they suffer with the illusion of time. Time which in fact is not real, not absolute for I may be a demon today and may be an angel some other day and may commit a sin every another day. The illusion continues, a drop of water from an ocean reaches it after the illusion. In that illusion we try to move along a path of perfection, what we don’t understand is that we are perfect at every moment. Every sin carries a grace within it.
“It is not possible to see for one person how far another is on the way.” That is why it seems to me that everything which exists is good and pure: death as well as life, sin as well as holiness, wisdom as well as folly. Everything is necessary, everything needs only my agreement my ascent, my loving understanding, then all is well within me and nothing can harm me. I learned that it is essential for one to sin, that one needs to strive for property, one needs lust and to experience the ill effects and the depth of despair in order to learn not to resist them but to learn to love the world. To love every moment of life as it is without comparing it to some kind of desired imaginary world or some imaginary vision of perfection. So let me brief that everything in nature is perfect in itself at any instant. We should love our holiness, sins, innocence, shrewdness, happiness, sorrows, success, failure, ecstasy and sufferings.

“Love one and all, to love the absolute just love the illusion”